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Servizi K-Energy Trentino Alto Adige - Trento - Rovereto



K-Energy offers different support services to businesses, artisans and private individuals to fulfill all the obligations borne by the different players involved in the different phases of an energy production plant from renewable sources. We provide a trained and professional team, both for carrying out procedures and for planning manual interventions. The objective is to encourage the correct development of systems always in compliance with the regulations.


Below you can find our main activities in the world of services.

Whether you are a private individual, a craftsman or a business, bureaucratic burdens are always a stumbling block.

Our team supports you in drafting all the paperwork necessary for the creation or modification of renewable plants, obtaining bonuses and collateral obligations.

A valid help always in contact with you.

- GSE Communications

- Verification of existence of constraints

- ENEA practice bonuses

- Agrislare announcement

- Revamping management

and so on

Authorization practices


An activity that is very often underestimated but which can however have a great influence on the performance of energy production plants, especially on medium-large sizes. Our team is trained and prepared to provide a precise and punctual ordinary and extraordinary maintenance service. We operate on both large systems and photovoltaic systems for residential use, to check the yield and correct functioning of systems, as well as replacement, addition or removal of components.

K-Energy, thanks to one of its flagship services, offers installers of photovoltaic systems full support in bureaucratic management thanks to complete management of the procedures for connecting the systems to the grid.

It is a service that can be complete, professional and punctual... let's avoid accumulating delays!

Connection practices


Good design allows you to optimize the cost/efficiency ratio, the ideal partner is fundamental. We propose sizing oriented towards the objectives you want to achieve (better economic performance, energy independence, future purchase of electric cars), we create precise and effective single-line electrical diagrams, obviously in line with the regulations.



Sometimes the configuration of systems can be long and complicated. Invest in your time, we'll take care of it. We take care of the start-up, configuration and carry out the self-test to verify compliance with all the parameters, as well as customer support for the installation of the monitoring app.

System configuration

All systems with a power greater than 20 kW are required to submit the Annual Consumption Declaration electronically to the Customs agency.

We can provide you with complete support in the presentation of this practice to always remain in compliance with the obligations.

And remember that the submission deadline is March 31st of the year following the financial year!

Annual consumption declaration
If you are interested in one of the services or if you want to request some information:

Contact us without problems!
+39 351 771 4626 -



We are happy to provide you with the support you need.

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